Seller Policy Pages

1. Intellectual property protection policy.

Tmall attaches great importance to intellectual property protection. The products sold by sellers on the platform must comply with relevant intellectual property laws and regulations, and must not infringe other people's copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights. Sellers need to ensure that the products they sell are legal and non-infringing, and comply with Tmall’s reporting and handling procedures for intellectual property infringement.

2. Product Information and Description Policy.

When selling products on Tmall, sellers must provide accurate, detailed and clear product information and descriptions. Product pages should contain clear titles, detailed descriptions, high-quality images, etc. so that customers can accurately understand and evaluate the product. Sellers may not provide false, misleading or inaccurate product information and descriptions.

3. Pricing and competition policy.

Tmall encourages fair competition and price competition. Sellers need to independently determine the pricing of their own products and comply with Tmall’s minimum pricing policy. Sellers shall not engage in price fixing, collusion or unfair competition with other sellers or entities. In addition, sellers cannot interfere with competition or mislead customers by abusing reviews or other means.

4. After-sales service policy.

Tmall has strict requirements for sellers to provide high-quality after-sales services. Sellers should actively respond to customer inquiries and questions and provide timely, accurate and satisfactory solutions. Sellers need to handle returns in accordance with Tmall’s return and refund policies and ensure the quality and efficiency of after-sales services.

5.Fraud and Violation Policy.

Tmall has a zero-tolerance attitude towards fraud and irregularities. Sellers are not allowed to engage in fraud, false advertising, product counterfeiting, selling contraband and other violations. Sellers need to provide true, accurate and credible information and comply with the regulations and requirements of the Tmall platform.

6. Product quality and safety policy.

Tmall has strict requirements on the quality and safety of the products sold by sellers. Sellers need to ensure that the products they sell comply with relevant regulations and standards, have no safety hazards, and comply with Tmall’s product certification and quality standards. Sellers need to provide high-quality products to safeguard the rights and trust of customers.

7. Advertising and Promotion Policy.

Sellers need to comply with Tmall's advertising policies when conducting advertising and promotion activities on Tmall. Advertising content should be true, accurate, legal, and comply with relevant regulations and industry standards. Sellers shall not use false, misleading or deceptive advertising methods or engage in unfair competition.

8. Platform operations and account policies.

Sellers need to comply with Tmall’s platform operations and account policies. Sellers should correctly use the functions and tools of Tmall Seller Center to update product information, inventory and order status in a timely manner. At the same time, sellers need to protect the security of their accounts and comply with Tmall’s account usage regulations and security measures.

9. Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

Tmall takes the data protection and privacy of sellers and customers very seriously. Sellers need to properly protect customers' personal information and order data and must not abuse or leak customer data. Sellers should comply with Tmall’s data protection policy and take necessary security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data.

10: Merchant violations and penalties

If the order is not shipped due to timeout and the customer complains a total of 3 times or more in the month, the store will be forced to close. After the Tmall store closing department reviews and settles the funds, the funds will be frozen for 90 working days.

11: Introduction to abnormal stores

The number of items in the store cannot be less than 15. Merchants are advised to be careful when listing and removing items from the shelves. If the number of displayed items is less than 15, the store will be defaulted by the system as an abnormal store, and abnormal stores will not be able to enjoy normal exposure on the platform.